Tensai Indonesia Odoo Versi 13.0-20200629
Informasi tentang Tensai Indonesia contoh Odoo, Sumber terbuka.
Aplikasi diinstal
- Situs Web
- Enterprise website builder
- Odoo 13 Accounting
- Accounting Reports, Asset Management and Account Budget For Odoo13 Community Edition
- Persediaan
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Penagihan
- Invoices & Payments
- Penjualan
- From quotations to invoices
- eCommerce
- Sell your products online
- Pembelian
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- ARIS Rajaongkir
- Shipping Cost Rajaongkir pada Odoo
- Dasbor
- Build your own dashboards
- Kontak
- Centralize your address book
- Jidoka Confirmation Page
- Add confirmation page (konfirmasi pembayaran)
- Diskusi
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Survei
- Create surveys and analyze answers
- Pemasaran Email
- Design, send and track emails
- Kalender
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Blog
- Publish blog posts, announces, news
- eLearning
- Manage and publish an eLearning platform
- Forum
- Manage a forum with FAQ and Q&A
- Acara
- Publikasi kegiatan, jual tiket
- Live Chat
- Chat with your website visitors